A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

You know how dating sims usually have an eccentric friend characters who help you progress through the game?

This is a game where you play as one. 

Songs and Flowers is a lighthearted, fun story about befriending people and learning about them as you get closer.

The two love interests are:


  • Befriend and maybe date either an angelically-innocent cutie or a teasing, flirting devil
  • Two routes with two endings each
  • Unique backgrounds and sprites
  • Music from Bensound.com
  • Main character has a sprite for evil laughter
  • 40,000-ish words
  • 9 bonus stories and 14 profiles
  • Developer's notes
  • It's free
  • Castillian Spanish translation made by the amazing S. Saorín!

The game is 100% complete and published!

WARNING: This game contains swearing, depictions of depression and anxiety (with happy endings!), and discussions of losing a loved one.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(55 total ratings)
Authorcowboy starshine
GenreVisual Novel
Made withRen'Py
TagsCute, Dating Sim, Female Protagonist, Multiple Endings, Otome, Ren'Py, Romance
Average sessionA few hours
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


songsandflowers-1.0-linux.tar.bz2 135 MB
songsandflowers-1.0-mac.zip 131 MB
songsandflowers-1.0-pc.zip 146 MB
songsandflowers-1.0-win.zip 132 MB
wallpaper 1.1 MB

Development log


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I randomly remember this game sometimes when playing other stuff. it's just part of my life now. 'this reminds me of songs and flowers'. thank you for making it a real thing that exists

i'm glad that you like it that much! thank you for playing it!


Hey, what’s the difference between the win and pc versions? Is one better?


i have no idea myself lmao


D= That’s not a good sign!


Very sweet game. I appreciated the talks about mental health and the willingness of the characters to go to therapy and help each other grow. I also love how the characters are allowed to be who they are. Noct can wear skirts, and it's not a big deal. Carol can play dating sims and isn't mocked for it. (Also love that everyone is casually trans). It's fun to play a dating sim where the MC has such a strong and bold personality. Jazz is completely different than me, but I loved getting to play as her. Definitely prefer it to the dating sims where the MC has no personality or agency because creators want a blank slate you can project on. The writing was extremely good, and I appreciated the honesty of the characters. My biggest complaint is that the choice of what route you take isn't obvious. Even if it breaks the immersion, it would have been nice if the choice was like "Stay inside (Noct's route) or go outside (Carol's route)." Was super lucky I got Noct on my first try, but making that a bit more obvious would have been nice. Overall I enjoyed the game! Thanks so much for creating it.  

thank you! i'm glad you liked it!

i got a lot of comments about how i handled the route split, so i'll definitely keep that in mind for the next time i make a multi-route game! thank you for your comment!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! ('▽^人) The humor goes so well with the art, the mix between comedy and angst, the character developments, more diverse Asian representations, having a friendship end as well (as an aro this is perfect), I could list so many things!! I've grown attached to this game, and I really enjoyed it! ( ´ ω ` )

[Side Note: Carol does remind me a bit of Cove Holden from Our Life: Beginnings and Always ^w^]

Deleted 2 years ago

thank you very much! i'm really glad you liked it!


I really enjoyed everything about the story and its messages (plus artwork)... Thank you so much!  It is wonderful to hear such things in a time of need.

Keep up the good work!  :D

thank you very mcuh, i'm glad you liked it!

that was such an amazing story and i absolutely loved the filipino representation! i'm obsessed!!! :)

thank you! i'm glad you liked it!

This story is so sweet and heartfelt, it really touched me. It was a wonderful ride, thank you.

thank you! i'm glad you liked it!

I just finished a route and while I don't think I'll go back and play the others, that's because this game made me feel many feelings and was a wonderful read. Thank you for making this. Noct is best soft boy.

thank you, i'm glad you liked it!

ooh seems cool! i'll give it a shot

I hope you like it!

(1 edit)

I finished playing and OH MY GLAUX, it was amazing.

All the dialogue is absolutely hilarious, i found myself laughing so many times while reading, Jas/Jazz is honestly such a mood.

Ive downloaded multiple otome games and this has got to be one of my favorites due to the interactions and dialogue. 

Noct was my favorite route but i also ran Carol's route.

Overall a very great game, i really enjoyed it alot and got a good laugh out of it!


I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for playing. I hope you enjoy the romance routes too!

this is so cute! i love all your characters and read through all your developer's notes.

thank you! i hope you liked it!

(1 edit)

Hi, the pc (not win) version is listed as running on Mac and Linux… how do you run it on either? I’m only seeing a Windows .exe in there. Also, what’s the difference between the pc version and the others? Thanks!

there isn't really a difference between the pc version and the others, i just thought it was a file you can play on all types? thanks for pointing out that it isn't.

please download whichever version works on the platform you're using!

Really interesting and fun freebie! Thanks for sharing. :)

thank you! hope you liked it!

(1 edit)

Aaaahhh!!! I absolutely adored this game!!! Truly a hidden gem. I was rooting for the main characters the whole way through. I played both routes and I honestly loved them both!!! Carol's blushy shyness was too cute to bear and I cackled at the banter between Noct and Jazz. This was such a heartwarming story. I'm really glad I played it.

Also, idk if it helps but Carol is actually also a man's name, so it wasn't weird or surprising to me that a boy was named Carol. (Reminds of my friend, Sam, who didn't change his name after he came out either :P)


i'm glad you played it and i'm glad you liked it! thank you for both your rating and your review!

i did not know that carol was a unisex name since i've never met a carol at all. oh well. thank you for telling me

i completely adore this. it was not at all what i was expecting, but what i found was an incredible cast of characters that made me cry, reflect, and squee at the growing relationships. i did the friend endings first because i'm genre naive but had to go back for the romance endings when i realized they existed, totally worth. the writing was on point, very human with a healthy dose of wit. as someone who has struggled through a variety of mental and social issues, this portrayal of some familiar ways of being a person felt so honest. thanks for adding it to my life <3

i'm happy you liked it! thank you very much for your comment! i'm so glad you could relate to it!

At times witty, other times emotional, there's no denying that this is beautifully written. 
Not to mention the wonderful artwork!

I highly recommend playing this masterpiece created by my friend!

thanks a ton!!!!

i came here and gave 5 stars before I finished Carol's route, but now that I finished everything (including the extras) i have to say that MY FUCKING GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THIS IS A PIECE OF ART THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS I LOVE YOU 

thank you! i'm glad you liked it! 

did you do noct's route yet?

yes! and i love it <3

thank you! glad you liked it!


Yayy I finished it! 

Thank you for this game. It was so funny but also touching (i cried hahaha). It felt complete and the story was really well thought out. I think the strong points of this game is how there is so much meaning in the story. I enjoyed how we get to experience the family dynamics and the main characters' interactions with their families, and also how the characters overcome their own struggles and problems. 

I also love all the character designs, my personal favourite is Noct's though because I find it really refreshing how his design works with his personality. 

I'm happy for the MC(Jazz) to end up with either of them ; - ; couldn't ask for more from this vn really, its awesome :) 


thank you! i'm grateful for your comment and all your thoughts on this!

my friend once described songs and flowers as less of a dating sim and more of a friendship and family sim with emphasis on mental health and i think that might be accurate. 

noct's design and personality were both super easy to make. once i decided on "subverting anime appearance tropes" as a theme for the characters, the cute delinquent with a cool personality just came naturally. 

really, thank you a lot! this comment made me really happy.

It's my pleasure!! 

I agree, it feels a little less like a dating sim but the emphasis on family is what makes it unique I think! I can feel how the boy's family is reflected in the boys themselves (If that makes sense?? xD) so in a way learning about Noct's and Carol's story was important for getting to know them. 

Looking forward to any future works from you :D  (But no pressure)

glad you like it! 

no pressure taken, i hope you'll be able to enjoy what i come up with next!


Honestly, fuck you for making me cry so much just during Noct's path. It just, it hit kind of close to home, and I just... How many times did I cry? 3? 5? Around that amount.

The artstyle is charming, characters are really well written and relatable, the back and worth dialogue (I'm specifically referring to Jazz's and Noct's here) has such wonderful flow and personality, and the jokes are hilarious. I swear to god, I went back and forth between laughing and crying so much that I probably have whiplash. I seriously love this game to bits and pieces.

And, uh, I just started Carol's path, and can I just admire the brilliant, genius joke of Jazz thinking the delinquent is a playboy and that the playboy is a delinquent? 

I accidentally got Noct's romance ending (I kind of just chose stuff I would do until the end were I just went "Eh, sure, I'll go romance"), and am going to play Carol's path then get the endings that I missed.

Great game!

wow, thank you for your comment! i'm super glad you liked it! 

hope you have fun with carol's path and the other endings! thank you very much


So I downloaded this game not being sure about it or the artstyle. But let me say, that as time went on, I fell in love with Noct (though I only got the friend ending, but I really wanted the more romantic ending. Not sure how to get it though. Guess I have to replay it.) I never even saw Carol, but I was fine with it because I was going to go for Noct first. I guess I have to figure out how to get to his route too. Anyways, I did not expect this game to be played for 3 hours. I thought it was going to be a short game, but I was wrong. I loved it so much though. I loved Noct's and Jas's interaction with each other. I'm glad she wasn't like the typical MC. She was hilarious. Keep up the good work!


im glad you gave it a try and im glad you liked noct! i hope you enjoy carol's route!

in order to get the romance endings, you're gonna basically have to do a little roleplaying. you have to pick the choices that fit with jazz's character, and, well. she's an overdramatic tsundere. if she doesn't start screaming over valentine's chocolates being embarrassing, she doesn't see the boy as a love interest. you'll know you're on the right path if she calls carol cute or noct's smile blinding.

also, the very first choice determines whether you're on noct's route or carol's route. there's very little overlap between the two choices.

i'm glad you liked it! again, i hope you enjoy carol's route! thank you so much for your comment!

I didn't know the first choice was going to influence who you go for. I thought it was going to introduce both characters in the same storyline. I'll try Noct's route again by picking the most overdramatic tsundere answers.


that's the spirit! 

also lol. it was supposed to introduce them both but then that was a lot of work so i decided not to


Alright the artstyle had me thrown for a loop at first, and i didn't really think it would be my kind of story, but I read a couple of the other reviews and everyone else seemed pretty blown away, so i gave it a shot and like

I got no sleep playing this visual novel okay

I was up until like 4am finishing Noct's route and holy fuck

Yknow how you "lol" but you dont really laugh? Jazz made me actually laugh out loud and it was just a really really good story, 


I really really love carol and noct and the families and it was just too wholesome for my toxic heart and I can't appreciate u enough  ok ty


im super glad you gave it a chance and liked it! thank you for your comment!

please get some sleep though

i hope the game made you happy though! thank you again!


I don't even know what to say. I downloaded this game because I thought it was going to be short, fun and a bit whacky and sure enough it turned out to be hillarious. But also heartbreaking, warm, relatable and absolutely lovely. 

First of all: Jazz is the best. Hands down. Best protagonist I've ever witnessed in such a game. She has so much personality and I think I might have found some of my new favorite swear words, ooopsie-freaking-macy-daisy. I love her. And her backstory broke my heart. I honestly cried during my first playthrough on  Carol's route. Especially the scene where Jin is comforting her made me bawl my eyes out. 

I also really loved Laby and his crying. Actually all of the family interactions were great, I could really feel the love between all of the families, Noct's and Carol's. It's amazing how well you captured family dynamics. The characters in general felt so fleshed out and each of them was interesting in their own way. I find myself wondering how their lives go on after the story and that is an amazing feat for a storyteller. I read every single bonus story and I'm usually not one for extra stuff.

The last thing that really got me was the representation of mental health problems. Oh my gosh, you did it really well. It was an integral part of the story while not having the whole focus just on how bad it is to have either depression or anxiety. Carol might have been a bit over the top with his furious blushing, but then again that is his character and I love him, but Noct's depression was just so spot on, I'm honestly impressed.

So overall I simply have to say good job. On one hand you made me cry very hard, on the other I never laughed out loud while playing a visual novel before and I have played my fair share. I really like your humour and story telling. So keep it up! I'm excited to see what you are up to next.

(Also if you behind the screen read this whole text now, this is a definite recommendation to play this game, if you haven't figured that out yourself by now!)

im so glad you liked it! this is such a nice comment, thank you for writing it!

jazz is a fun character and i'm glad you appreciate her! i did my best to make sure the game was more "watching over a girl making a friend and maybe falling in love" than "dating people through her"

the families were also a huge part of the game, glad you liked that too! if you wanna imagine how their lives go on, you're free to imagine that yourself. have fun with it!

i'm also really glad you liked the mental health representation! i don't have much to say aside from thank you, except for like, when i was drawing carol's sprites, i went "it's not physically possible for someone to blush this hard" and then i said to myself "he's so embarrassed his blood defies physics," so that's why he's so flustered. i hope you liked both him and noct!

thank you again for your comment, and i'm glad you liked it!

i hope i can live up to your expectations from now on!


this is one of the greatest most wholesome games i've ever played! i will write a full review highlighting exactly what i liked about it tomorrow but here are some quick things:

-jazz's backstory

-sense of humor

-backgrounds (hand drawn gives it a more cozy feeling)

-character design

-story about the name inspiration

-the cat

-story of raptillion

-carol (♥)

-noct (♥)

u really know how to touch peoples hearts while making them double over in laughter. 100/10 great game great creator

im really glad you like it! ill be looking forward to the full review! thank you very much for playing and for leaving this nice comment!


The MC is very weird (but in a good way of course ;)) Glad to have found this game! Can tell you've put a lot of work into it

thank you very much, glad you like her and the game!

(1 edit) (+1)

I really like the dedication invested into representing those with depression. I felt that I could finally relate to a character for once because they showed how to even get to the process of healing. It was really nice. Thanks to the developers for making my day with this game!

PS: I know this sounds petty but can I check if I can romance the love interests because I think I have gotten the Friend Ending only. Not that there is anything wrong with that, the guy was super sweet and relatable! ;D

i'm really glad you liked it! 

oh, you need to get at least 3 romance points to reach the romance ending, the easiest way to do this is to pick at least one good answer and then pick the "NO NO MAYBE NOT" (paraphrased) option for the valentine's day choice.

since, well, MC is a tsundere, so you need to pick the tsundere options to date the guys. you'll know you've got enough if MC either calls him cute (Carol) or calls his smile blinding (Noct)

if this is like a problem, i'll make a walkthrough on the romance options available.

thank you for your comment, and i'm glad you liked the game!

Ah yeah! The Valentine's Day choice offered me the romance ending! Thanks! I'm onto the second love interest now. It's really nice that you can actually play as yourself in the game instead of having to just pander to a love interest's prefences. It's really great! Will totally recommend this to others! 

i'm glad! thank you very much!

the aim for MC was less having a player stand-in and more to have her own character, so it's less "dating someone through her" and more "watching her fall for someone who likes her back"

thank you again, i hope you like him, too!

(by the way, in order to unlock ALL the bonus content, the friendship endings are important too.)


This game is really cute!

thank you, i hope you like the full release!